By Julie Havercroft
Welcome to the very first editorial blog on the ZiMunda Farming Website. As a magazine, we have proudly taken our first steps into becoming an online presence, as well as the physical one, that you are used to holding in your hand.
Instant access to information has become a millennial priority and it it with this in mind that we have launched the ZiMunda Farming website. To have information readily and easily accessible with the press of a button is the idea behind our going digital. Have a browse through the website and see for yourself.
Harvesting of our summer crops is in full swing. The combines are out in the fields bringing in soya bean crops and maize is also being harvested and bagged. The Tobacco selling season is in full swing. Winter wheat and barley crops have been planted. Now is the time to plant winter vegetables. Farming never stops and we never stop bringing you those stories.
I’ve just been out to a farm to photograph the combine harvester in action. The smell and feel of dry red dust under my feet is that of farming. Seeing lime being spread and fields prepped for a new crop. Walking in a field of stover. Seeing cattle being dipped. These typically Zimbabwean farming scenes are magic to the ZiMunda team and these are the stories we love to share with you.