Article by: Lorna Joubert
Zimbabwe Herd Book (ZHB), last week celebrated their 50th National Bull and Heifer Sale at Mount Hampden Sale Pens, home of CC Sales, auctioneers, since 2011.
The proceedings began with a gala dinner attended by various breeders and stakeholders in the cattle industry. The stylish occasion saw ZHB honouring some of the legends of the cattle industry in Zimbabwe:
Dr. Japie Jackson: legendary veterinarian, bull selector for the National Bull Sale for the past 12 years, and storyteller par excellence, who also held the audience captive with his memoirs.
Mr Chris Johnson: founder of Jambo Tuli Stud, celebrating its 50th anniversary in the stud industry.

Maryna Erasmus: epitomising excellence in stud breeding, determination, perseverance and courage.
Keith Swales: Santa Gertrudis stud breeder and stalwart of ZHB, a familiar face at National Sales.
Reuben Pilosoff: for his tireless devotion to the Brahman and Beefmaster breeds; the first only
person to ever have flown 100 brahmans from the States to Zimbabwe – a tremendous genetic injection. His posthumous award was accepted by his sons Paul and Grant, after his sad passing last December.

John Crawford: selecting bulls for the National Bull Sale for the past 10 years, and striving continuously for the improvement of the cattle industry, founder of the “bulldust” days.
Cois Joubert: commercial cattleman for decades and later, founder of the Luipaardsvlei Brahman Stud.
Thomas Kucherera: a long service award for 37 years of dedicated work at ZHB – he is known and loved by all and has seen most staff come and go, and knows the workings of most sections intricately.
An exceptional evening was followed by a day of excitement, familiar faces, a fantastic turnout of animals and enthusiastic bidding at the sale pens. Firstly, ZHB tabled more history in its 50th anniversary year, with the introduction of Kalahari Red Goats on the National for the very first time.
Boer goats and Dorper Sheep were introduced in recent years, and have proved to be a popular addition. The Brahman section also welcomed a number of new breeders to the Sale. The National Sale, was as usual, a flurry of activity with a superb selection of top genetics amongst eight different breeds of cattle, Dorper sheep, Boer goats and Kalahari Reds. Breed societies were well represented and breeders went to extra lengths to make their stands attractive – they were also present to advertise their bulls, and to assist prospective buyers with queries. With the stands filled to overflowing, the bidding began with the sheep and goats. Businesses associated with the livestock industry also had stands, advertising their products. Special mention must be made of Fivet, who had a draw for a motorbike and hampers, in celebration of the 50th National Sale. The motorbike was
appropriately won by a cattleman, Doug Folwell. Jambo Tuli Stud celebrated 50 years of Tuli breeding, by giving away a bull to their highest bidder to mark their special year. All-time records were broken when a grey brahman bull, Nguni Mr. Woodson 15/17 RT, bred by Dr Themba Dlodlo, fetched an amazing USD $ 24 000. This was after numerous bulls had already fetched prices well over USD$10 000. The trend continued throughout, with huge demand for quality heifers of all breeds driving the prices upwards. Two Boran heifers from the Hook Boran Stud fetched the highest female prices, at USD$5000 each. All in all a true 50th celebration, with superb bar and catering, well supported after the events of the day. This will hopefully set a positive trend for the upcoming Tuli and Brahman breed sales taking place shortly.