Innovation To Help Farmers Manage Their Harvest
In recent years worldwide, there has been a constant drive towards
mechanisation as a means of improving farming production. Efficiency is key to lowering costs and increasing that all important profit margin when it comes to bringing in the crop. If this can be achieved by technological means, the benefits of the investment into the machinery can sometimes be seen immediately. Zimbabwe does not lag behind when it comes to agricultural and industrial automation technology, thanks to players such as Fangview doing their bit.
With this in mind and with sales primarily aimed at community-based groups, Fangview, a local engineering firm, has built a mobile continual flow grain dryer to coincide with the reaping season for summer maize soya and other grain crops. Called the Mobidry, this innovation’s major selling point is a reduction in transport and handling costs for the grower, as well as saving time spent in getting harvested grain to the nearest dryer in the district. The investment can be recouped and future income can be generated by hiring it out when it is not in use.
Although inputs are sourced from neighbouring South Africa, fabrication is done by a highly skilled engineering team in Zimbabwe. An understanding of what local business needs are, have driven this project.
The dryer is completely automated and has sensors to control temperature and product levels as grain passes through it. The Mobidry processes maize, sorghum, soyas, wheat and most small grains grown. The manufacturers understand that capital expenditure is always a concern here and urge community-based farming groups and clubs to invest in one as a way forward. They are confident that benefits reaped by their product will quickly recoup investment costs. As it sits on a trailer and is on wheels, the dryer can be towed from farm to farm, as and when needed.
The manufacturers hope to play a role in the development and adoption of new technology to boost the agricultural sector.
The dryer, which looks a little like a tall horse box, can dry between 9-12 tons of grain per hour dependent on product moisture content. Furthermore it is able to run off a generator, so is very much “mobile”. This is a clever piece of machinery. The grain feed is controlled by level sensors and the moisture content can be checked with the onboard moisture meter.
For more information, contact:
Fangview directly via email