The Tobacco Research Board as mandated by the Tobacco Marketing and Levy Act [Chapter 18:20] continually tests, approves and monitors all Crop Protection Agents (CPAs) for use on tobacco under the Pesticide Approval Scheme Service (PASS). The Act further states that: “No person shall treat any tobacco with a remedy which is not registered nor reap or offer for sale any tobacco treated with a non-registered remedy” (Sec. 65). Furthermore, “Any tobacco so treated will be destroyed without compensation to the grower” (Sec. 66), and this Legislation has been used to destroy tobacco in the field or offered for sale where the regulations are infringed.
As over 90% of the Zimbabwean tobacco crop is exported, the tobacco must meet stringent international agrochemical regulations for international acceptance and maintenance of markets especially in an increasingly competitive global market. Furthermore, in compliance with global health standards, correct and safe use of crop protection agents as well as good agronomic practices in tobacco production are key to sustainable agriculture.
The agrochemicals approved for use on tobacco by the Tobacco Research Board during the last quarter of 2023 are shown in Table 1. Any agrochemical not appearing in the table is either not currently countenanced by the TRB or has been removed from the list of approved agrochemicals based on the provisions of the new Pesticide Approval Scheme Service which came into effect on 1 July 2011. The list of agrochemicals which have been withdrawn from use on tobacco and which TRB no longer approves or whose approvals will not be renewed are shown in Table 2.
Click here to download full article on the approved tobacco chemical list
Should there be any queries regarding the above, or if further information on a particular product is required, please feel free to contact Kutsaga Research Station’s Crop Production & Molecular Technologies and Plant Health Services Divisions on telephone (0242) 2575 289-94 or toll-free, 0800 4511 or Email: or visit Kutsaga Research Station, Airport Ring Road, Harare.