From the Editor
As the winter season sets in, it’s time to turn our attention to winter cropping. With the recently completed summer crop harvest, farmers across the country have been busy reaping the fruits of their labour. This year’s summer crop harvest has been especially noteworthy, with many farmers reporting bumper yields and high-quality produce.
As we move into the winter months, it’s important for farmers to plan their winter cropping strategies carefully. Winter can be a challenging time for crop growth, with shorter days and cooler temperatures, but with the right approach, it’s possible to achieve a successful harvest. The livestock industry suffers the same fate, facing different challenges especially with nutrition as pastures are nutritionally low quality.
In this issue of ZiMunda farming magazine, we’ll be exploring the latest winter cropping techniques and sharing tips and advice from experienced farmers and technical experts. We’ll also be taking a closer look at the recent summer crop harvest, analysing the latest industry marketing trends i.e. in tobacco and discussing some tips on grain storage.
As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future topics. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of our farming magazine and wish you all the best for the upcoming winter cropping season.
Yours in farming,