From the Editor
To our valued readers, The days are now cooler and the winter wheat season has begun. The tail end of summer has brought with it, field days aplenty. As Albert Einstein once observed, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious”. With that in mind, I have been attending as many field days as fuel and time will allow and all of these outings have been part a wonderfully informative overall experience.
Judging by attendance at these days, I am far from being the only one who wants to fi nd out more and learn something new, be it pasture management, cattle nutrition, soil health or the finding out what the best hybrid varieties of maize – or any seed input for that matter – are available locally. We really need to take time out from our own busy schedules, make the effort to attend these fi eld days and listen to what’s being discussed. These days have also given me the opportunity to interact, mingle and more importantly, meet people I’d never have met, had I been sitting in the office.
I have come away from many a field day, buzzing, my head full of new things to mull over and explore. If there is one thing I’d urge you to do, it would be to head out and go to a field day. It is time well spent.
This time of year is also the time where we see local business at its best. The ADMA Agrishow showcases Zimbabwean efforts. At this three-day exhibition, there is such a wide variety of product suitable for any farmer that it is another must-see.
I have been spending time exploring our local businesses’ efforts to improve productivity within the farming industry and some stories inside this issue cover these endeavours. Challenges are there to be met and to be overcome.
Yours truly