When considering what breed of cattle to buy, farmers should always ask themselves the following: What am I expecting to do with my cattle when I have built up my herd? Am I a stud breeder? A commercial cattleman?
Am I selling breeding stock, weaners or fat stock? Who is my market? Am I going to feedlot my youngstock
myself or am I selling them on to feed lotters? Do I have to supplement my cattle or do I have sufficient grazing?
Where is my grazing – hard country, communal areas, sweetveld or pastures?
All these answers can impact greatly on the choice of breed you require. Brahmans
are extremely popular throughout Zimbabwe and have made great inroads into the
National Herd, either in their pure form or as a cross breeding animal.
Travelling through the country, almost every herd viewed from the roadside will
either have purebred animals or “brahman-type” cross breeds within the herd. Every year, the National Bull sale comprises a majority of
Brahmans. Why? Besides their beauty and grace, and distinctive appearance, the advantages
of a Brahman are varied and briefly covered by the following points: Adaptable: the Brahman adapts easily to
change and will maintain itself in a new environment. Brahmans will move long
distances to grazing daily, not tiring and walking easily. Hardiness: the Brahman will do its best
to take care of itself and is able to perform and reproduce under extreme

They are not fussy and will browse on vines, shrubs, leaves and coarse vegetation, even when grass is available. Because Brahmans feed often but lightly, they very seldom get bloat. Heat: Brahmans adapt to temperatures above 40 degrees and beyond. They will maintain their milk production and appetite. They have a dewlap, which is covered in sweat glands, which secrete constantly as the dewlap sways and cools with movement, cooling the animal down.
This is
their built-in “air conditioning”. While Brahmans can stand the heat, they can
also tolerate very cold conditions, with their loose skin contracting to
generate heat. Mothering: the Brahman has the strongest mothering instinct of any breed.
They are famous for their ability to protect a calf! They stay with their calves,
and are on constant lookout for danger. They often gather their calves in a
“crèche”, with one or two dams specifically tasked to care for the youngsters
while the other dams graze. Calving: Brahmans have small calves, 25-35kg on average. They have a sloping
rump and a very large pelvic area, which allows them to calve without problems.
This is important
for the rancher. Milk: Brahman milk has a very high butterfat content.
produce plenty of good quality milk and will pour most of their energy into
their calves, to produce good weaners. Resistance to parasites: the Brahman has
a smooth and sensitive coat. The coat is loose and moves easily, and is also
oily. The short hair is very dense and upright. The muscle layer just under the
skin is very well developed.
This means that when parasites settle on a Brahman, the animal feels them easily
and shakes them off effectively. If they remain on the animal, the dense hair
layer makes it difficult for the parasite to sting or attach. This means that
the Brahman breed has less disease caused by parasites. Pigment: Brahmans have a dark skin pigment
and are virtually free of eye cancers and sun related problems. Life
expectancy: the Brahman cow will breed to a high
age (15-18 years old), and will still mother calves well. The Brahman has the
ability to produce a calf annually. Stud bulls have been known to breed
naturally and successfully in a herd up to 12 years of age.

The Brahman is the king of crossbreeding: this breed complements and adds value to any other breed by
means of
crossbreeding. Crossbred Brahmans (F1) are efficient, grow well and convert
their feed well. They are an excellent choice for feedlots. Ranching: Brahmans are clever! They will
easily adapt to a routine and have a good temperament when handled well and often from a young age. They do best with gentle, quiet
herding. Late shedding of teeth: Brahmans only
shed teeth after 24 months, and until as late as 32 months. This means they are
classified as “supers”
for a much longer period than other breeds, so the farmer gets better prices
for his beef. Economics: because Brahmans are very disease resistant, farmers have lower
veterinary costs and because Brahmans can utilise natural grazing very well,
the farmer can have less inputs than with other breeds. All in all, the Brahman
is an economical, robust, adapted, all-rounder, built for Zimbabwe and Zimbabwean